The PFMA 2011-12 consolidated general report

Consolidated general report on the 2011-12 national and provincial audit outcomes

It is a pleasure to present to Parliament my 2011-12 general report on audit outcomes of departments, legislatures, public entities and other entities in the national and provincial spheres of government.

In response to the 2010-11 audit outcomes, commitments were made by the executive and oversight bodies to intensify their efforts in bringing positive change within the administration.

Despite my expectation that these commitments would drive improvements towards clean audits, the audit outcomes for the year show a general stagnant trend, with less than a quarter of auditees obtaining clean audit opinions and 52 not able to sustain their prior year clean audit opinion. My report shows that many leaders did not own and drive these commitments, so the commitments are left to flounder until the next audit starts.

The report is divided into three parts due to its size. To view the sections click the links below:
Part 1: Consolidated analysis of the audit outcomes of national and provincial government
Part 2: Audit outcomes of ministerial portfolios
Part 3: Sector audit outcomes and highlights of provincial audit outcomes



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