Corporate responsibility and sustainability

The AGSA is committed to support the transformation aspirations of the country, which aims to promote the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) codes of good practice. This commitment is demonstrated by the organisation’s desire to continuously become a level 2 B-BBEE contributor.

The socio-economic development (SED) programme of the AGSA is one of the following elements that support the B-BBEE codes of good practice:

  • Management control - which drives equity, diversity and inclusivity
  • Skills development (SD) - which aims to build organisational capacity, nurture talent and maximise the potential of people, specifically in the chartered accountancy (CA)SA profession, whilst recognising the need of other diverse skills for economic growth
  • Enterprise and supplier development (ESD) - which drives economic participation through entrepreneurship
  • Socio-economic development (SED) - which drives sustainable communities.

The SED programme therefore, seeks to position the AGSA as one of the key contributors around the socio-economic challenges facing the country like poverty, unemployment and inequality and aims to:

  • improve the lives of underprivileged South Africans in an impactful way
  • promote transformation, diversity and inclusion of black people into the accountancy profession.
  • uplift the accountancy profession by strengthening accounting student initiatives at previously disadvantaged universities, such as ABASA and AWCA student chapters.

The SED programme consists of three key initiatives:

a) Adopted schools initiative

The adopted schools initiative aims to:


  • promote the accountancy profession among black learners.
  • encourage learners within adopted schools (rural, farm and special needs) to study pure mathematics, follow the accountancy profession and choose the AGSA as their employer of choice.
  • uplift the lives of qualifying learners (with a grade 12 matric pass of 55% in pure Maths and English subjects) within adopted schools with full bursaries to study an accounting degree at university.
  • provide learners with a three year internship programme upon completing their university accounting degree.


Adopted schools activities: