The provinces of KwaZulu Natal and Eastern Cape have experienced devastating floods where people lost their lives, livelihoods and infrastructure destroyed and displaced some citizens. In response, government announced relief package for reconstruction and development. AGSA is conducting real time audits of the response programmes. As a citizen you have a role play.
Do you have information that can assist the AGSA to effectively audit? If you do, we would like to hear from you.
As you would know, the AGSA is the supreme audit office which provides independent assurance on whether public funds have been appropriately accounted for, and report findings on pre-determined objectives and compliance with key laws and regulations.
The call is in line with #cultureshift2030 strategy which seeks to improve accountability and to positively impact the lived experiences of citizens through insight, influence and enforcement.
Real-time audit will only succeed in strengthening transparency, monitoring and accountability with the support and coordination of key role-players. As the AGSA, we welcome your information and remains confidential.
In as much as the real-time audit also enables immediate oversight and timely corrective action, your information may also assist in third and would be invaluable to the work of the AGSA. Click here to make a submission