Constitutional and legislative mandate

Mandate and functions

Chapter 9 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 establishes the Auditor-General of South Africa as one of the state institutions supporting constitutional democracy. The Constitution recognises the importance and guarantees the independence of the Auditor-General of South Africa (AGSA), stating that the AGSA must be impartial and must exercise its powers and perform its functions without fear, favour or prejudice.

The functions of the AGSA are described in section 188 of the Constitution and further regulated in the Public Audit Act, 2004 (Act No. 25 of 2004) (PAA), which mandates the AGSA to perform constitutional and other functions. Constitutional functions are those which the AGSA performs to comply with the broader mandate described in the Constitution. Section 4 of the PAA makes a further distinction between mandatory and discretionary audits.

Accountability and reporting

The AGSA is accountable to the National Assembly in terms of section 181(5) of the Constitution and section 3(d) of the PAA and has to report on its activities and performance of its functions in terms of section 10 of the PAA. The main accountability instruments are the AGSA's budget and strategic plan, as well as the annual report, both of which are tabled annually in the National Assembly. The Standing Committee on the Auditor-General (SCoAG), established in terms of section 10(3) of the PAA, oversees the performance of the AGSA on behalf of the National Assembly.

Products of the AGSA

The AGSA annually produces audit reports on all government departments, public entities, municipalities and public institutions. Over and above these entity-specific reports, the audit outcomes are analysed in general reports that cover both the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) and Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA) cycles. In addition, reports on discretionary audits, performance audits and other special audits are also produced. The AGSA tables reports to the legislature with a direct interest in the audit, namely Parliament, provincial legislatures or municipal councils. These reports are then used in accordance with their own rules and procedures for oversight.


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Financial Management of Parliament and Provincial Legislatures Act, 2009


File size 370 K
Downloads 38
Date Mon 12/04/2023 @ 11:02
Financial Management of Parliament Amendment Act, 2014


File size 220 K
Downloads 13
Date Mon 12/04/2023 @ 11:01
Financial Management of Parliament Act, 2009


File size 325 K
Downloads 10
Date Mon 12/04/2023 @ 10:59
Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), No. 1 of 1999


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Downloads 1010
Date Tue 12/13/2022 @ 10:57
Protection of Personal Information Act, No. 4 of 2013


File size 292 K
Downloads 185
Date Thu 02/17/2022 @ 05:18
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