It is important for the Auditor-General of South Africa (AGSA) to make an impact beyond our constitutional mandate.
Through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme, the AGSA makes and investment in the wellbeing of those communities surrounding AGSA operations and, where possible, communities that the AGSA employees might choose to support. In so doing, the AGSA aims to contribute towards the upliftment of those communities and, consequently, the development of a positive reputation and image of the organisation as a caring corporate citizen.
Although the CSR programme is fundamentally linked with the ethical values of the organisation, it particularly addresses these three values:
Focus areas The organisation’s CSR programme covers the following areas:
These are areas of urgent societal needs identified by the 2010-11 government’s programme of action where the AGSA can apply an active role in assisting government to bring about sustainable social development in the country.