imgLeading the way


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For the past few years Auditor General has established a solid relationship with the University of Fort Hare, but in 2015 the relationship was strengthened even more in order to achieve one of the Organisational Strategic goals of producing professionals.

 The Eastern Cape Business Unit has embarked on several initiatives with UFH, to mention the few:

1. Mentorship programme: Our external mentorship programme focuses on the allocation of our professionals to UFH students so that they could provide the necessary academic support needed.

2. Accounting Classes: ECBU professionals provide extra weekend classes to all the students needing extra assistance on their academics.

3. Recruitment: ECBU has started an exercise of recruiting the CTA students as early as February 2016, the main aim is to try by all means to recruit Trainee Accountants (TA) that will add a positive value to our projects and reduce our CWC intake, while also promoting development internally as per our organisational strategy. Our main focus is to improve and provide academic assistance to our existing CTA students who are battling with CTA by eliminating pressure from them of working extra hours as the CTA trainees will spend more time on projects.

4. Hour Talks: the Business Executive has taken an initiative to give lunch hour motivational talks to all Eastern Cape Universities including UFH.

Lastly, AGSA hosts a yearly Gala Dinner with UFH Honours students and lecturers, and this year’s event was held on the 20th May 2016 at the East London Golf Club. At this event, top performing learners were recognised for their hard work.


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Message from the AG


Welcome to the Eastern Cape business unit’s alumni page, a first of many and something that we hope to roll-out organisation-wide soon.

 If you are on this page, then you have made the conscious decision to be part of the AGSA’s legacy. Read more...  




 Kimi Makwetu
Auditor-General of South Africa


Become part of the Eastern Cape alumni family






What is the Alumni Association?


The association aims to create a platform that will enable us to stay in contact with all our former employees and provide opportunities to build strong relationships and reconnect with each other as colleagues. By joining this association, you will be able to take advantage of opportunities specifically created for its members, for example networking events, social activities, as well as access to organisational publications.   

The successes of our office are attributable to all our employees, past and present, who have demonstrated unwavering commitment to further improving our brand and the impact that we can have on the public sector.  We therefore value your expertise and, as part of sharing, collaborating and building strong relationships, we thus would appreciate it if you could continue to participate in leadership development and professionalisation activities in the office

How can you become a member?

Apply now

If you had previously worked at the AGSA and wish to become a member of the alumni association, please complete the registration form on the alumni page and declare that you agree with the code of conduct on the registration form and code of ethics. Click here to apply.



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The mandate of the Auditor-General Simplified

Contact us

Geraldine Jordan

Tel: +27(0)43 709 7244

Fax: +27(0)43 709 7300


